CGRC Professional Development Center Training: How To Prevent Burnout When Working With Trauma & Suicidality

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High Fidelity Wraparound Information

What is High Fidelity Wraparound?

Child Guidance Resource Centers is the High Fidelity Wraparound (HFW) provider for youth enrolled in Delaware County's Juvenile Mental Health Treatment Court. All youth & families are able to receive their HFW services and behavioral health treatment within the continuum of care at Child Guidance Resource Centers. HFW is a youth-guided and family-driven process that helps families meet basic needs, strengthen support networks, and empower participants to change their future.

How does it work?

Over 6-18 months, families work with the program facilitator, Family Support Partner and Youth Support Partner to set and achieve goals through four phases:

  • Engagement and Team Preparation: The HFW team, client, and family discuss strengths, needs, culture, and vision for the family & begin developing the plan.
  • Initial Plan Development: The team creates a plan of care taking into account the needs of the youth and family. The family actively participates in identifying their needs & developing a plan they actively support.
  • Implementation: Throughout this phase, progress and success are continually reviewed and changes are made as appropriate. The program facilitators adapt and support the family to practice skills until the overall goal is achieved.
  • Transition: Plans are made for transition from HFW to community supports. Transition is a central part of the process, enabling families to thrive after the program is complete.

How do I enroll in the program?

Families in High Fidelity Wraparound come through the Delaware County Juvenile Mental Health Treatment Court. If you'd like to learn more, please email us at

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Locations with High Fidelity Wraparound

Headquarters at Havertown

2000 Old West Chester Pike
Havertown, PA 19083

(484) 454-8700